The Technology Center
About the center:
The ability to work is every person's basic right. Beyond being a source of income, gainful employment contributes to a sense of belonging, being valued, a source of great meaning, and the feeling that one is a productive member of the community.
But having a job is not something to be taken for granted. There are people with various disabilities who encounter internal or social barriers that hinder their ability to integrate into the job market.
It is precisely for this purpose that we established the Technology Center, a dedicated center for people in rehabilitation under the auspices of Israel's Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, and Social Services. The Technology Center is an employment facility and an umbrella organization for innovative technological vocational training in Jerusalem, for people with a range of disabilities such as ASD, developmental, cognitive, or physical disabilities, visual or hearing impairment, and more.
The center offers a technological training and work environment in accordance with the evolving world of work and includes adaptations, training, and individualized accessibility for each employee according to his unique needs. The center operates in collaboration with prominent companies in Israel's economy and deals with recycling and refurbishing electronic waste. This activity provides a variety of work positions, from sorting and dismantling to quality control, service, and sales. The center's trainees/employees receive individual support as well as group guidance that includes workshops and enrichment courses. The aim is to strengthen skills required in the world of work and impart skills that are lacking in order to successfully integrate into the job market. The center's director is a social worker whose staff includes vocational and placement coaches, a training director, a development and community relations director, a computer technician, lecturers in various related fields, and more.
Our Services:
Personal guidance, creating a personal goal plan, and its implementation.
Group support and guidance
Technological training
Workshops and enrichment courses to strengthen personal and professional skills
you need
to know

- The center operates in the Talpiot neighborhood of Jerusalem in collaboration with the Jerusalem Municipality, the M.A.I. Israel Electronics Recycling Co. and Keter Electronics.
- The target group for employment at the center is people whose disabilities are recognized by Israel's Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, and Social Services.
Contact information
- 054-98000730