The Bnei Brak Clinic staff – psychiatrist, psychologists, social workers, creative arts therapists, and administrative staff – headed out this week for a team-building day in the holy city of Jerusalem
The weather was perfect, as was the atmosphere and the entire day, which turned out to be incredibly fun and rejuvenating.
They began their tour at Mishkenot Sha’ananim with Asher, a legendary guide who accompanied them throughout the day with eloquence and charm. He explained and expanded their historical knowledge, while also being impressed by the remarkable expertise and familiarity some staff members showed
From there, they continued to Yemin Moshe, then to the Old City, and through Israel’s most vibrant market, arriving at the enchanting ‘Between the Arches’ restaurant for a proper lunch break
The tour continued through the Kotel Tunnels (the Great Bridge) and on to the Western Wall… where they had the opportunity to pray, feel moved, and ask
The staff was also honored with a visit and kind words from Bayit Cham’s CEO, Rabbi Arie Munk, and from Avi Kannai, expert psychologist and Bayit Cham’s clinical director.
The day ended with wonderful feelings, a sense of togetherness, and renewed energy
Bnei Brak staff – you deserve this more than anyone! For your dedicated, intensive, and heartfelt work throughout the year, especially during this challenging year… We deeply appreciate and thank you We are fortunate to have you on the team!