Mental Health Clinics

About the centers
The first and most significant stage in helping people with mental health challenges is accurate diagnosis and creating an individualized therapeutic plan. Quality treatment is the first step in the long journey (sometimes the journey of a lifetime) towards a happy, balanced and meaningful life.
At Bayit Cham, we established "Dror", a network of mental health treatment centers that includes 6 public clinics. We provide a wide array of therapeutic modalities for adults and children and comprehensive expert assistance in other areas related to the rehabilitation process.
Clinic staff includes psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and therapists with a variety of approaches, providing a holistic program that can successfully treat complex situations.
Our treatments and services
Initial diagnosis
and assessment
Psychiatric treatment and follow-up
Therapy with various approaches: CBT, dynamic therapy, support and more
Creative Arts Therapies: art, music, psychodrama and more
Guidance for parents
When necessary, the clinic staff helps patients through the process of establishing disability
status and eligibility for disability benefits known in Israel as a "rehabilitation basket".
Contact Information
Medical Director
- Dr. assaf caspi
- Adult psychiatrist
Administrative Manager
- Menachem berkowitz
- 054-7881199
- menachem.b@bch.org.il
Everything you need to know
- The clinics operates under the careful supervision and standards of Israel's Health Ministry.
- The clinics provide services for all Israeli HMOs, the Sheba Medical Center in Tel HaShomer and others.
Service locations
Contact Information
Meir Barbie
Clinical psychologist
Sarah Bergman
Clinical psychologist
Yogev Glav
Clinical social worker
Dr. Assaf Caspi
Adult psychiatrist
Petachia Weiss
Clinical social worker
Simcha Marom
Social worker
Nurior Salomon
resident in psychology
Judith Rosenblum
Clinical rehabilitative social worker
Ester Kinwald
Shir Hadar
Clinical social worker
Jafa Chaya Shechter
Sara Sofer
Pnina Teitel
Sara Grosnas
Adi Dayan
Rachel Baruch
resident in psychology
Contact Information
Yair Berko
Clinic coordinator
Simcha Marom
Clinical social worker
Dr. Baruch Lev
Child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist
Vered Azrieli
Clinical social worker
Chani Graber
Clinical social worker
Rachel Deitch
Yafit Eitan
Field mentor for interning therapists
Orit Wasserman
Clinical criminologist and therapist, CBT expert
Contact Information
Nechami Ulman
Clinical social worker
Rachel Bar
Clinical Social worker, CBT expert
Yaakov Dzimitrovsky
Social worker
Rina Bina
Clinical social worker
Dr. Rivka Cohen
Adult psychiatrist
Dr. Limor Caspi
Lea Weinberg
Elazar Vinograd
Clinical social worker
Yaakov Cohen
Clinical Psychologist
Batya Simakov
Ester Enden
Clinical social worker
Avraham Friedman
Clinical social worker
Israel Konopnicki
Clinical social worker
Yehudit Rosenblum
Clinical Social worker, CBT expert
Contact Information
Shira Bar
Clinical Child psychologist
Miri Ehrlich
Expressive Arts Therapist
Esther Andan
Clinical Social worker
Israela Eliraz
Art therapist
Dr Noga Bernstein
Clinical Psychologist
Tobi Katz
Shoshi Stern
Israel Neiman
Clinical Social worker
Yosef Silan
Clinical Social worker
Golan Rosner
Clinical Social worker
Dafna Barel
Psychotherapist + CBT
Chaya Levy
Clinical Social worker
Kinneret Matzah
Clinical Social worker
Ezra Neppe
Dr. Sankovici Sigmund
Adult psychiatrist
Dr. Yafit Eitan
Art therapist, field mentor
Nava Dilmoni
Expressive Arts Therapist
Contact Information
Reut Barel
Clinical Psychologist
Avraham Bitkin
Clinical Social worker
Dr. Asia Pisarev Leibenzon
Simcha Marom
Clinical Social worker
Rachel Shapira
Chen Shor
Social worker 'Yated'
Contact Information
Avichai Young
Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Yafit Eitan
Field mentor
Rachel Barzilai
Clinical Social worker
Hedva Ginati
Dr. Rivka Cohen
Adult psychiatrist
Dr. Sigmund Sankovici
Adult psychiatrist
Zvi Bucksphen
Clinical social worker
Gitit Cohen
Clinical social worker
Simcha Marom
Clinical social worker
Gilad Wengrover
Clinical Social worker
Shira Meir
Clinical Social worker for women
Geula Magid
Clinical Social worker
Noa Etzion
Clinical psychologist
Michal Krotikov
Yuli Singer
Clinical social worker
Arya Wallhandler
Clinical social worker
Yedidya Fishman
resident in psychology
Crisis Intervention Program
About the service
The experience of a first psychotic episode is overwhelming and sometimes even terrifying. It hurts the person who experiences it and his family and its effects can be long-term and critical to the life of the person and his family. Many times, the person loses achievements that he attained before the onset of psychosis – interpersonal relationships, academic studies, career and so on.
It is extremely important to begin comprehensive early therapeutic and rehabilitative intervention as soon as possible following the breakdown.
Studies have proven that the earlier the intervention, the greater the chances of success that significantly impacts on the person's ability to return to optimal functioning in all areas of life. On the other hand, if more time elapses before beginning treatment, it is harder to balance the symptoms and their negative effects will be greater even after treatment.
"Navigate" is a program for young people experiencing a first psychotic episode; its goal is to help the patient and his family members overcome the crisis and get their lives back on track in the best way possible. The program operates on two main levels: processing the trauma and returning to function.
Multi-system support
In order to provide patients with the best toolbox for their mental health, to enable them to enjoy personal well-being and to return to normal function in all areas of life, the program includes various interventions. Therapists help patients process the trauma and develop emotional resilience and vocational coaches help them return to school or employment. In addition, the program includes psychiatric follow-up and a psycho-educational program for families. Each intervention has clearly defined work protocols.
"Navigate" was developed at the US National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) by a team of clinical researchers led by Dr. John Kane from Zucker Hillside Hospital in New York, and his colleagues from academic institutions across the USA. The program is provided by experts in the therapeutic fields: a psychiatrist, a family therapist, 2 individual therapists, a community coordinator and an administrator.
In this program we create shared space for professionals and families, where mutual learning takes place for the benefit of the patient. This is how he acquires independence and various skills, returns to normal functioning at home, at work and at school. Above all - the patient strengthens his self-esteem and discovers meaning and pleasure in his life.
Everything you
need to know

- Navigate is for people who have experienced a psychotic episode and their families