Our staff of outstanding experts who treat victims of sexual trauma enjoyed their own team bonding retreat full of fun and pampering
The staff of Benafsheinu’s satellite branches enjoyed a trip up north including a razor ride, an art workshop and an evening at the Kinar Hotel at the foot of the Kinneret
The staff of Benafsheinu’s main center in Bnei Brak arrived in Jerusalem for a trip to Ein Lavan, a fun evening at the Plaza Hotel, pool exercising and a tour of Nachlaot and Machane Yehuda market, better known as “The Shuk”
Of course everyone got extra treats, compliments of Bayit Cham.
Treating people suffering from complex trauma in such deep pain is not simple, all the more so during this past year via Zoom … So yasher koach – more power to you – our wonderful team of therapists. Carry on with your vital, blessed work