June 13, 2023

Blind Day – Meet Sigalit

We interrupted Sigalit in the middle of a busy day’s work because we had to introduce you to her too❤️

Sigalit is 47 years old, blind from birth, a Jerusalemite, the warmest person there is, loves people and in general, is super-positive and optimistic. Sigalit loves to sing. She has her own YouTube channel and uploads covers there as well as a song she wrote about Biga, her amazing guide dog (see link below). Sigalit is multi-talented and has learned a lot in her life, including dubbing and sound. She reads lots of books that broaden her knowledge in a wide variety of fields, and in general, does everything by herself (cooks, cleans, takes care of Biga, etc.) even though it’s not easy!

Sigalit is not afraid of hard work and despite the many talents with which she is endowed, she feels that society does not accept her and that it is hard going for people with disabilities, and for blind people in particular. Throughout her life, she has always felt that doors were not opened for her – when seeking employment, socially and in relationships – and this disappoints her quite a lot because she has so much to offer!

Last month Sigalit started working in an administrative role at Bayit Cham’s new technological center in Jerusalem – a place that employs and trains people with all types of disabilities. The center recycles electronic waste. Sigalit’s input is critical because she’s the one who keeps computerized inventory of every single part that enters or leaves the warehouse (even during our interview she was called upon every minute, and in order to photograph her we had to wait our turn😆). Although it’s not exactly the field she dreamed of, she is so happy to get up in the morning and play a significant, beloved role. She even asked Keren, the program director, to come in an additional day because it makes her feel so good and “everyone here is terrific!”😍

In honor of Blind Day (June 6th), the international awareness day for the blind and visually impaired, Sigalit’s message to all of you out there is: Open doors!

Open doors to:

👁️‍🗨️Employment – Blind people have abilities and skills like any other person! Accessibility solutions (reading software, audio software, etc.) are available, possible and enable a blind person to work as productively as any sighted employee. Sigalit, like other blind people, is very motivated to work hard and has unique advantages such as accurate hearing that employers can benefit and profit from.

👁️‍🗨️ Accessibility – Bus drivers don’t stop for her because of her guide dog; they tell her to leave the dog at home… 😡 Really?!

👁️‍🗨️ Dreams! Sigalit is full of dreams that don’t come true☹️ According to her, “a person lives to fulfill his dreams”. She turned to artists, stage directors and others in the creative arts fields to form collaborations, maybe sing one song together… It didn’t work🤷 In short, if you are approached to make a dream come true, help make it come true! If there are artists here who want to pick up the gauntlet, Sigalit will be very happy (@Ohad Chitman🙏)

In short, as a society, we still have much to improve – take note‼️

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